Recent Publications:
Nuckolls, Glen H., et al. (2020) "Conference report on contractures in musculoskeletal and neurological conditions." Muscle & Nerve . LINK
DA Sleboda, KK Stover, TJ Roberts. (2019) Diversity of extracellular matrix morphology in vertebrate skeletal muscle. Journal of Morphology 281 (2), 160-169. LINK
DA Sleboda, TJ Roberts. (2020) Internal fluid pressure influences muscle contractile force. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 117 (3), 1772-1778. LINK
CV Anderson, TJ Roberts. (2020) The need for speed: functional specializations of locomotor and feeding muscles in Anolis lizards. Journal of Experimental Biology. 223 (2). LINK
MV Rosario, TJ Roberts. (2020) Loading rate has little influence on tendon fascicle mechanics. Frontiers in Physiology. 11, 255. LINK
AD Rummel, SM Swartz, RL Marsh. (2019) Warm bodies, cool wings: regional heterothermy in flying bats. Biology Letters. 15 (9), 20190530. LINK
DA Sleboda, ES Wold, TJ Roberts. (2019) Passive muscle tension increases in proportion to intramuscular fluid volume. Journal of Experimental Biology. 222 (21). LINK
TJ Roberts, CM Eng, DA Sleboda, NC Holt, EL Brainerd, KK Stover. (2019) The multi-scale, three-dimensional nature of skeletal muscle contraction. Physiology 34 (6), 402-408. LINK
TJ Roberts. (2019) Some Challenges of Playing with Power: Does complex energy flow constrain neuromuscular performance? Integrative and Comparative Biology. LINK
CJ Arellano, N Konow, NJ Gidmark, TJ Roberts. (2019) Evidence of a tunable biological spring: elastic energy storage in aponeuroses varies with transverse strain in vivo. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1900), 20182764. LINK
AD Rummel, SM Swartz, RL Marsh. (2018) Low thermal dependence of the contractile properties of a wing muscle in the bat Carollia perspicillata. Journal of Experimental Biology. 221 (14), jeb180166. LINK
RJ Ruttiman, DA Sleboda, TJ Roberts. (2018) Release of fascial compartment boundaries reduces muscle force output. Journal of Applied Physiology 126 (3), 593-598. LINK
KK Stover, EL Brainerd, TJ Roberts. (2018) Waddle and shuffle: gait alterations associated with domestication in turkeys. Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (15), jeb180687. LINK
CM Eng, E Azizi, TJ Roberts. (2018) Structural determinants of muscle gearing during dynamic contractions. Integrative and Comparative Biology 58 (2), 207-218. LINK
AL Camp, TJ Roberts, EL Brainerd. (2018) Bluegill sunfish use high power outputs from axial muscles to generate powerful suction-feeding strikes. Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (11), jeb178160. LINK
KK Stover, DM Weinreich, TJ Roberts, EL Brainerd. (2018) Patterns of musculoskeletal growth and dimensional changes associated with selection and developmental plasticity in domestic and wild strain turkeys. Ecology and Evolution 8 (6), 3229-3239. LINK
CM Eng, TJ Roberts. (2018) Aponeurosis influences the relationship between muscle gearing and force. Journal of Applied Physiology. LINK
RL Lieber, TJ Roberts, SS Blemker, SSM Lee, W Herzog. (2017) Skeletal muscle mechanics, energetics and plasticity. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation 14 (1), 108. LINK
RE Kambic, TJ Roberts, SM Gatesy. (2017) 3‐D range of motion envelopes reveal interacting degrees of freedom in avian hind limb joints. Journal of Anatomy 231 (6), 906-920. LINK
N Konow, JA Cheney, TJ Roberts, J Iriarte-Díaz, KS Breuer. (2017) Speed-dependent modulation of wing muscle recruitment intensity and kinematics in two bat species. Journal of Experimental Biology 220 (10), 1820-1829. LINK
DA Sleboda, TJ Roberts. (2017) Incompressible fluid plays a mechanical role in the development of passive muscle tension. Biology Letters 13 (1), 20160630. LINK
A full list of publications can be found here.